Monday, May 22, 2006

the tell tale signs of winter...

time flies really really fast, and before i know it, another semester is ending, and winter break is approaching. this got me thinking, there are things everyday that remind me that winter is almost here....

  1. the sky starts getting dark at 5.30 pm, and it is getting increasingly difficult to wake up at 7 am to catch a bus for 8 am classes. snuggling beneath warm covers is just waaay more inviting.
  2. those studying in the nothern hemisphere are preparing to go home (or, for a fortunate some- are alradey home) for the summer break. [northern hemisphere summer=southern hemisphere winter, comprende?]
  3. the end of the semester is looming... 3 assignments due in 2 weeks *shudder* and another week for an essay... *takes in deep breath*
  4. its crunch time for everyone.. no matter which hemisphere.. everyone's facing end of semester exams... hence explaining the sparse blog updates in cyberspace...
  5. winter-friendly foods are going cheap in supermarkets every week- soups, hot drinks etc.
  6. winter sales!!! muahahaha... all the pretty jackets going on sale *must... not.. splurge...*
  7. all the talk of going home over the break... which is not too far away... how nice....
  8. the rain is beginning to come back... days are getting gloomier... and im feeling inclined to sleep more.. hmmm... winter=hibernation.. mebbe thats why we get a whole month off!
yeap, thats all i can think of. so autumn's slowly ending, and winter's coming... along with the rains, amd the muttering under the breath of having to drag myself out of bed. but i do think that i should be thankful to be able to experience all 4 seasons (albeit the snowy winters), better than nothing i guess. indeed, i am blessed! :)

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