Tuesday, October 24, 2006

now aint that pre'ey?

was walking home from the bus stop today, and guess what i found by the street?

its so yellow and pretty that i had to pluck it (also cos my phone camera wouldn't do it justice, with the superbly bright sun).. only God can make weeds look so pretty.

even my lil piggy likes the weed/wildflower :)


Anonymous said...

oooh. the pic with the flower and piggy is nicely done! did you put the flower in a vase? :P

sammy said...

erm.. nope.. no vase.. its beauty had already been immortalised.. and also cos i dont think it would've lasted long.. its dried up now already..

Therealpepperboy said...

'tis preedy. I was about to say, "what gorgeous marigold mine eyes behold?"

Then you said it was a weed. So I went "Oh."

sammy said...

but we can pretend it is a marigold.. perhaps it is.. is marigold a wildflower by any chance?