its so yellow and pretty that i had to pluck it (also cos my phone camera wouldn't do it justice, with the superbly bright sun).. only God can make weeds look so pretty.
A child of God.
Lovingly crafted for a purpose
Random rumblings and musings
Reflections on lessons in life given by her Father and the occasional news from this end
A self-confessed TV junkie.
The idiot box is keeps me entertained in the Land Down Under while everyone is slogging away :)
For everything there is a season,
a time for every activity under heaven
-Ecc 3:1
oooh. the pic with the flower and piggy is nicely done! did you put the flower in a vase? :P
erm.. nope.. no vase.. its beauty had already been immortalised.. and also cos i dont think it would've lasted long.. its dried up now already..
'tis preedy. I was about to say, "what gorgeous marigold mine eyes behold?"
Then you said it was a weed. So I went "Oh."
but we can pretend it is a marigold.. perhaps it is.. is marigold a wildflower by any chance?
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