we are called to in all our actions to reflect God and His glory- even in our blogs for fellow Christian bloggers out there. and one thing from the article that really hit home was this
But as Christians, we're commanded to think about things that are true, honorable, just, pure, commendable, excellent, and praiseworthy (Phil. 4:8). That includes quite a bit. What it doesn't include is saying whatever I feel like saying, rehearsing how lousy I feel, wallowing in self-pity, or stirring up unnecessary controversy. God says we'll be held accountable for every word we speak — and blog.i guess you can say its a reminder.. for sometimes i do feel like all i want to do is type and rant.. then i read this, and it got me thinking.. there are others out there reading what i write. my life is my witness and testament to what God has done and is doing in my life. what sort of message am i sending if i were to whine and rant.. that God is not handling things i want Him to? that my first instinct when troubles come is to blog and not bring them to Him? or living a double life.. where everything seems fine and dandy but in actual fact there is much struggle going on?
indeed, this has been served as a reminder. that in everything i do, i have been made and called with a purpose- to reflect the glory of my Father. not only in my everyday life and speech, even my typed words. may i always remember this the next time i open this and want to channel my grouses to the masses.
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