Wednesday, June 21, 2006

the middle child syndrome

no.. i don't think i had (or have that problem)... think being the keywod.

anyway, i just watched an episode of full house... no.. its not that korean series that is apparently all the rage back home, its a telly series waaaay back in the 80s, which i remember watching as a kid.

so, this episode i watched was about the middle daughter being felt left out. and at the "inspirational" part of the show [each ep follows a pattern: story-complication-moral/lesson-everything's dandy]. yeap.. its a feel good movie squeezed into 20+ mins every show.. but i digress, as i was saying, stephanie (the middle kid) was being told how special being the one in the middle is:
*she's the only one with a bigger sister AND a younger sister (hah!! bet u older ones and babies of the family can't say that!)
*whatever mistake they did make bringing up the big one would not be repeated one the 2nd.. :P
*the best part of a bologna sandwich is.. nope.. not the bread but the bologna... and same analogy using an oreo cookie (but i personally don't like the cream in the middle that much.)

and so yea, if ure a middle child and have moments when u feel u've been left out or side stepped. remember.. ure the bologna (or whatever your favourite sandwich filling is) in the sandwich! :D


GraceL said...

man shall not live by bread alone...

but with bologna in between... *grin*

Miss you Sammy!!


sammy said...


haha... me miss u too!!

see u in a few months!