yes.. so.. onto 2nd shocking discovery- see right, they have the list academic of staff, and pn. faridah was the oldest staff member!! even longer than mrs bala! oh and also, zabedah has been teaching in mc for 10 years! thats freaking long.. longer than mr. chiang!! its like in ocf.. where members who have been around for 3 or more years are called dinos... then fossils .. then natural gas.. (according to how long you've been around) and yea.. u get the picture.. so yea... 26 years is like phwoar!
so yea.. i started.. and was more intigued.. the philosophy and history and acamdemic achievement bits were a bore... and then... they had pictures from sports day... images... along with my 3rd and 4th shocking discovery- 3rd: the cheerleaders actually had proper cheerleading uniforms... well... the last i saw our schoold "cheerleaders", their uniform consisted of black shirts and trackies if im not mistaken.. so yea.. this was indeed a surprise..
and then my 4th discovery: the librarians and monitors (upper form ones i assume) have blazers.. not just ANY blazer... horrific maroon and brown colour (respectively) ones... at first i looked at this pic then thought.. eh.. apa ni?

(top pic) see in the far left corner.. maroon blazers.. with matching maroon ties.. that could only be... the librarians!
(bottom pic) see the girl holding the wilayah persekutuan flag.. brown blazer.. with brown tie.. that would make her.. u guessed it! a monitor!! oh.. and notice they've got boy scouts too!
(bottom pic) see the girl holding the wilayah persekutuan flag.. brown blazer.. with brown tie.. that would make her.. u guessed it! a monitor!! oh.. and notice they've got boy scouts too!
gone were the days where blazers were a prefects-exclusive thing.. now everyone has one!
ooh... and the icing on the cake... the ultimate school experience to bring all the memories flooding back... *drumroll*
tiny lil things (the susceptible lower sec students) in white trackies.. with the most awful looking tops.. along with ridiculous prop of the year... that could only mean... THE "OPENING CEREMONY" PERFORMANCE!!
ooh... and the icing on the cake... the ultimate school experience to bring all the memories flooding back... *drumroll*
now... no MC experience is ever complete without being part of the "opening ceremony" performance... haha... narendra and all the work she put us through!
hope you fellow MCians had a great time walking down memory lane with me! go check out the webbie yourself!
p/s: click on the pics to view images in their full glory.. esp the horrendous outfit one! :P
hope you fellow MCians had a great time walking down memory lane with me! go check out the webbie yourself!
p/s: click on the pics to view images in their full glory.. esp the horrendous outfit one! :P
SAMMY!!! WHAT ON EARTH has MC come to!?!?! cheerleaders uniforms??? CHEERLEADERS! groan...the ditzys are starting to rule! and did u notice they changed their ties as well? HORRENDOUS BROWN!!
ohh...ahhaha...this is just hilarious! I have to share this with everyone i know..!! ahhaha...what has MC became into??
I think its the evil plan of that that...whatever her name is...hahaha...i can;t stop laughing! those poor poor people.
Thats right its Mrs Matthews! wahaha..those under her evil-terribly outdated fashion mind, you have my UTTER DEEPEST sympathies
Oh dear...I just visited the site. Horrendous! And the academics...ahahhas got people fail accounts for sad...where can fail? They did anyway. Aihs..I shall be writing about this when I get home tonight, even though I have an assignment to rush. Anyways, the new VICE principal (no idea how that is different from deputy) looks horrendously scary. You think?
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