Thursday, January 04, 2007

the new year is as good a time as any to jot down some thoughts..

looking back at the year that has passed, i see yet another year of my Father carrying me through. He has taught me and shown me that even though things ahead are unknown, that He has it all under control, and all i need to do is let Him take me through it. like the patriachs that trusted in His promises to them, i have learnt that his promises are sure

i also look back on the past 2 years of being away from home, and thank Him for all the people he has placed in my life. the close friends and brothers and sisters in Christ with whom i can share my life and my walk with. who are always willing to pray for whatever, and who share their lives and experiences with me. the bestest sister who is my ever present (most of the time..) companion and fellow junk-food enthusiast.. :) also seeing how God has brought us through each semester, providing for our every need, at the very moment that we need it. He is indeed amazing!

what would the year be if i never mentioned the privillege He has given me to be part of the lives of several young kids. they may be difficult at times, but seeing their face when they discover a truth, or recalling something they have learnt about God, or even being excited to come week after week.. it really is a joy working with kids! and He has shown me that what He calls me to do is never easy and smooth sailing, but it is then that i learn that i can never do anything on my own.

so yes, the past year has been filled with many great lessons and cherished memories. i think reflecting on the year that has passed will show how god has carried me through each situation, and how each and everything that happens happens for a reason, which can only be seen in retrospect.

so i look forward to the new year. its gonna be the final year. and i don;t know what to expect. and there will certainly be many things to think through.. but i think it really is comforting to know that He will be there once again to see me through, and He will give me the help and support i need through many special people.

happy new year to you all!

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